Tag: variance

quantifying resilience in ecology and evolution under global environmental change

Increasing climate variability will hit world’s poorest countries

It has been difficult to predict how weather extremes such as heat waves and cold snaps might change in a future climate. In this paper, we continue our long-term studies on climate variability, by looking at climate model predictions on future temperatures. We find that rich countries that contribute most to climate change will see…
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May 22, 2018 0

Evaluating early-warning indicators of critical transitions in natural aquatic ecosystems

We just published a study on signatures of instability in empirical time series from five freshwater ecosystems with documented sudden, persistent transitions hypothesized to represent critical transitions. We detected strong variation in early warning indicators, and a low agreement between the four indicators we tested. We conclude that the applicability of these tools was strongly limited by…
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November 28, 2016 0