Author: vdakos

quantifying resilience in ecology and evolution under global environmental change

Unveiling dimensions of stability in complex ecological networks

Understanding what determines the stability of ecological communities is one of the oldest questions asked in ecology, an issue that has become even more pressing in the current context of global change. However, how can we define the stability of anything as complex as an ecological community? And how can we best measure stability? Many…
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December 6, 2019 0

The Mathematics of Climate and the Environment – Workshop – Paris

Coming week (2-6 December 2019) at the Institute Poincare in Paris, a workshop on “Coupled climate-ecology-economy modeling” will take place. Check here for the detailed workshop programme.    

November 29, 2019 0

Master Thesis / Stage M2 Feb-June 2020

There is an opportunity to do a master thesis (5 months) at the Institute of iEES in Paris on the interface of tipping points and evolution: on “Ecological consequences of rapid evolution in ecosystems with tipping points” co-supervised with Nicolas Loeuille, and on “Early warning signs of the sudden origin of species” co-supervised with Patrik…
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November 21, 2019 0

Buz Holling past away

Just back from holidays I’m sad to find out that one of the most influential thinkers on resilience passed away. I feel lucky I had the chance to meet Buzz and hear his passionate and truly inspiring words. The Resilience Center put together a short obituary where I also found a memoir that I was…
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November 21, 2019 0

Does evolution matter for tipping point responses?

In a recent perspective in Nature Ecology and Evolution, we explored the question of how trait variation and trait evolution can have important consequences for resilience at the ecosystem level ultimately affecting threshold where tipping points might have otherwise occurred. These ideas form a framework for adding an eco-evolutionary perspective to ecosystem tipping point research…
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May 2, 2019 0

Ecological Transitions: Regime Shifts, Thresholds and Tipping Points

A bibliographic entry on the topic of Ecological Transitions contains some key literature on the history and definitions along with few research concepts and examples. It can help to get a brief overview of the field in a kind of Wikipedia style.

December 3, 2018 0

satellite session in CCS2018

There is still time to submit your abstract in our satellite session on Robustness, Adaptability and Critical Transitions in Living Systems during the upcoming conference of the Complex Systems Society in Thessaloniki, Greece from the 23-28 of September 2018. Deadline for abstract submission is the 27th of June 2018.

June 11, 2018 0

Increasing climate variability will hit world’s poorest countries

It has been difficult to predict how weather extremes such as heat waves and cold snaps might change in a future climate. In this paper, we continue our long-term studies on climate variability, by looking at climate model predictions on future temperatures. We find that rich countries that contribute most to climate change will see…
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May 22, 2018 0

Plasticity affects population tipping point responses

Just back from the British Ecological Society 2017 Conference in Ghent, Belgium. First expedition with my new colleagues from the BioDICee team in Montpellier. I was happy to see great talks, meet old and new friends, and present new work on how adaptation matters for understanding tipping points.

December 15, 2017 0

Trends in variability and autocorrelation in observed global temperature records

Back in 2012, we started exploring how patterns in the magnitude and persistence of fluctuations in instrumental records of temperature and their major global sea and land indices might have changed during the last century. Our objective was to identify regions where climate variability and autocorrelation might have markedly increased potentially due to anthropogenic forcing. We just published the results of this…
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July 24, 2017 0